Welcome from our President.

Welcome to the 2024-2025 year! My name is Heather Graves and I'm thrilled to be this year's president. This is my 4th year in JSL and 3rd year on board(previously nominating chair and Vice President). I am excited to see what we can achieve this year. We have set goals to increase our numbers, be more present in the community, and find new ways to give back. Last year saw the return of Ladies Who Lunch and a fantastic provisional project that was able to donate $6000 to The Women's Center of Brazoria County. I joined JSL after staying home with my kids during COVID. I needed a way to make new friends and find ways to give back. One of the things I love most about this organization is the reach that we have. Everyone comes from a different background and knows different people in the community. I also enjoy finding out "new" sustainers.

I have been in the lower Brazoria county for 17 years. I currently work at Junior Achievement as the program manager. I have been married to Justin for 8 years. We have 4 kids Donovan,18; Lorelei,13; Tucker,7; and Weston 5. When I'm not at the ball field or doing JSL things you can find me in the pool, in the kitchen baking, or working on my next book.

I hope that this year is bigger and better than we plan for.

Respectfully submitted

Heather Graves - President 2024-2025